Digital Compentency
Digital competence is one of 3 cross-curricular responsibilities, alongside literacy and numeracy. It focuses on developing digital skills which can be applied to a wide range of subjects and scenarios.
The Framework, which has been developed by practitioners from Pioneer Schools, supported by external experts, has 4 strands of equal importance, each with a number of elements.
Citizenship – which includes:
- Identity, image and reputation
- Health and well-being
- Digital rights, licensing and ownership
- Online behaviour and Cyberbullying.
Interacting and collaborating – which includes:
- Communication
- Collaboration
- Storing and sharing.
Producing – which includes:
- Planning, sourcing and searching
- Creating
- Evaluating and improving.
Data and computational thinking – which includes:
- Problem solving and modelling
- Data and information literacy
SWGFL has produced schemes of work based on Common Sense Media’s FREE Digital Literacy and Citizenship Curriculum, which empowers learners to think critically, behave safely, and participate responsibly in our digital world.