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Dress Code


For health and safety reasons only the following will apply -

  •       A wristwatch may be worn
  •       One pair of small plain stud earrings may be worn
  •       Nail varnish or make-up is not encouraged
  •       No extreme hairstyles are allowed
  •       No extreme fashions are allowed

Parents are asked to support the wearing of uniform and the dress code at YMH


Personal Belongings

 Pupils will be responsible for their own personal belongings.

The school is not responsible for personal property

It is upsetting and distressing to students, parents and staff when valuables are lost or broken. Therefore, pupils should not bring the following into school:-

  • Money, other than lunch money
  • Jewellery items
  • Cameras
  • Ipods
  • MP3 players
  • Mobile phones (except by agreement with staff)
  • Items which are 'special' to the pupil.


Please make sure that all school clothing and equipment are clearly labelled with the pupil's name.

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Ysgol Maes Hyfryd Specialist High School, Fifth Avenue, Flint, Flintshire CH6 5QL

Tel: 01352 792720 / 01352 792727 | Email: [email protected]