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Language Literacy and Communication


 Languages, Literacy and Communication

The LLC area of learning will enable all learners to gain knowledge and skills in Welsh, English and international languages as well as literature.

Where applicable, its provision will include opportunities to learn Welsh and English as additional languages (WAL/EAL) and to learn other home or community languages too.

This multilingual approach will ignite learners’ enthusiasm and provide them with a firm foundation for a lifelong interest in learning subsequent languages and in literature from Wales and the world.

This area of learning and experience will place emphasis on the joy not only of language learning but also of literature, experienced either as consumers or creators.

Links with 4 Purposes

The Languages, Literacy and Communication Area of Learning and Experience will contribute to developing ambitious, capable learners, ready to learn throughout their lives by enabling them to communicate effectively across a variety of media using Welsh, English and international languages.

Engaging critically with languages and literature across a range of genres and media develops learners’ sense of identity and allows them to understand their culture and community, nurturing a sense of the responsibilities they have to themselves, to others around them and to the wider world. Therefore developing ethical, informed citizens of Wales and the world.

A key aspect of effective language learning is the willingness to take risks in trying out new sounds and patterns; thus the skills developed through the Languages, Literacy and Communication Area of Learning and Experience will empower learners to become independent and resilient when facing challenges, as well as to become enterprising, creative contributors, ready to play a full part in life and work.

Languages, Literacy and Communication skills are key to enabling learners to express themselves effectively, and learners who are able to articulate their feelings and interpret those of others are better equipped to develop positive relationships and thus to become healthy, confident individuals, ready to lead fulfilling lives as valued members of society,

What Matters: 

  1. Learning about identity and culture through languages prepares us to be citizens of Wales and the world.
  2. Learners who listen and read effectively are prepared to learn throughout their lives.
  3. Learners who speak and write effectively are prepared to play a full part in life and work.
  4. Literature fires imagination and inspires creativity.

School Aims                                           

  • To provide a holistic range of literacy opportunities across the six areas of learning as outlined in the Donaldson report
  • To encourage an enjoyment of language and literacy based activities through the delivery of cohesive experiences across the curriculum 
  • To develop communication skills through a variety of methods including speech, Makaton signs, Picture Exchange Communication (PECs), Pragmatic Organisation Dynamic display (PODD) books, communication aides, objects of reference and signifiers
  • To develop the recognition and comprehension development of pictures, symbols and / or the written word
  • To develop recording using pictures, symbols, drawing, writing and ICT
  • To develop the use of digital literacy and competence
  • To encourage the transference of literacy skills across curriculum areas and into everyday life 

Fresh Start Reading Scheme 

  •  Read Write Inc. Fresh Start is a phonics intervention that assists older pupuls with reading, writing, comprehension and spelling skills, aged 11 and above, who are finding literacy difficult and are presently working below expected standards. The scheme, which is used at YMH as an intervention strategy, aims to:
  • Improve pupils reading and writing, increasing understanding & fluency
  • Use rigorous assessment so every child is taught at the right level
  • Engage older pupils with age-appropriate comic strips, quizzes, humour and edgy non-fiction texts
  • Ensure all pupils maximise their potential
  • Be an effective use of the pupil Deprivation Grant funding
  • pupils who need intervention will receive 1:1 support and timetabled on a daily basis.

Find more information here:

Project X Reading Scheme 

  • Project X Origins is a guided reading programme, recognised as an effective approach to teaching reading and writing, that has recently been voted as the winner of the ERA Educational Book Award too! The scheme which has been adopted throughout school provides:
  • A 3D illustrated character adventure that interests and motivates pupils
  • And addresses key issues across the whole school, including phonics, comprehension, developing talk, raising boys' achievement, early intervention and writing
  • Engaging software for use with the whole class and groups
  • Correlation to all UK curricula with in-built assessment using the Oxford Ros Wilson Reading Criterion Scale
  • Comprehensive Guided Reading Notes for every book covering phonics skills, comprehension, vocabulary, fluency, spelling, grammar, punctuation and writing for use by professionals and parents
  • An intervention aspect of the scheme named Project X code, which can be used for pupils needing consolidation at any particular level


code, which can be used for pupils needing consolidation at any particular level

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Ysgol Maes Hyfryd Specialist High School, Fifth Avenue, Flint, Flintshire CH6 5QL

Tel: 01352 792720 / 01352 792727 | Email: [email protected]